Building a Glowing Progress Indicator

And learning about CustomPaint and Animations in the Process

Sometimes, small but carefully crafted UI elements elevate an application from good to outstanding and show the love for detail the developer has put into their app. Today we are gonna look into one of those special widgets: a Glowing Progress Indicator Breaking up the Problem Tackling a complex UI component like an interactive, animated and glowing progress indicator all in one go quickly becomes overwhelming. Finding intermediate goals makes the whole process more approachable: [Read More]

Cracking an Android App for Fun and Profit

And learning how to protect yourself

What would you do, if you wanted a premium feature in an Android app, but were too greedy to spend ten bucks on it? Right, you invest >200$ worth your time for an unstable result! What really is an App? First off, you got to understand the basics. Android apps are stored in apk files, which are just fancy zip files that adhere to some defined format (like containing an AndroidManifest. [Read More]